Best Food For Healthy Skin And Glow

People worldwide are spending millions to look beautiful. Beauty is possible if you have a glowing and healthy skin. Those who do not have good skin spend huge amounts on costly skin care products. According to health experts skin care products are not treatment. These only conceal the real situation. The remedy lies in providing nourishment from inside. Food you eat plays an important part in providing health and glow to your skin. If you are suffering from problem of having unhealthy looking skin, the need is to pay immediate attention to your food.

  • Consumption of heavier oil such as margarine and trans-fatty acids that have been chemically altered by hydrogenation are unhealthy. These results in formation of acne and other skin eruptions. This is the reason a large number of people in America are suffering from these type of skin problems, as they are consuming large quantities of fast food.
  • Eat food rich in omega 3 fatty acid. This prevents toxins from entering cell membranes and helps provide nourishment. Due to anti inflammatory properties it is good overall for skin health. Salmon is rich in omega 3.
  • Blueberries are rich source of antioxidants. These also prevent free radicals from damaging the cells.
  • Carrots are a cheap source of beta carotene, which is converted into Vitamin A by the body. Vitamin A is an important nutrient for healthy skin. Dry skin is a symptom of Vitamin A deficiency. This is also a good source of fibre necessary for digestive system.
  • Sesame seeds are a rich source of Vitamin E. they are also rich in copper necessary for production of certain types of antioxidants.
  • Pumpkin seed contain a number of vitamins and minerals. These seeds are a rich source of Vitamin B and help proper circulation of the blood. These are anti-inflammatory for the whole body and the skin. Eating these seeds results in repair of damaged cells and healing of skin is fast.
  • Sweet potatoes and lima beans are also a good source of Vitamin B. Always try to avoid refined food and eat whole grain bread and wheat germ.
  • Avocado is a rich source of unsaturated fat circulating in your body, and provides moisture to your skin. Moisture is essential to prevent dry skin which looks unattractive and flaky. Coconut oil and olive oil are also a rich source of unsaturated fats.
  • Fresh fruits, vegetables and non refined flour are rich source of important nutrients, vitamins and fibre essential for the skin and all other body systems.
  • Green tea is high in antioxidants that prevent the cells from decaying and decreases inflammation. It helps healing of sunburns and skin cancer. High polyphenols present in green tea helps eliminate free radicals.

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