Can Coffee Treat The Cellulite?

About ninety percent of women suffer from cellulite. Cellulite is reflected by the appearance of orange peel or cottage cheese like skin in the region of thighs and buttocks, however in some cases cellulite may also appear on abdomen and in the region of breast. Those with advanced age are more prone to getting cellulite.

During their life cycle, women undergo large number of hormonal changes starting with the age of puberty. Thereafter drastic hormonal changes take place when she gets pregnant, and finally after menopause. Due to hormonal changes lymphatic drainage of fat and blood are affected, and the process of self repairing mechanism of the tissues is also affected. Due to these reasons the skin in the effected regions of the body becomes uneven and fat layers get accumulated. This condition is called cellulite. Obesity does have its effect on formation of cellulite but it is not the only or major cause.

The treatment involves dislodging the fat from the affected part. This is a temporary process. The best option is to tone up the muscles by exercise, reduce intake of fat and eat healthy food along with a lot of water. In addition, surgical method of treatment is sucking out of fat from affected parts.

Massage and application of certain creams is suggested for treatment of cellulite. Many people suggest massage using coffee for treatment. Certain creams for external application containing caffeine are available in stores. The advertisements for this caffeine containing cream claim that caffeine reduces use by the body of oestrogen, a hormone found in women. This hormone break down collagen, the fibre which keeps the skin firm, as a result of this skin becomes weak and fluffy. As per these advertisements with the use of caffeine the skin becomes smooth and the orange peel like effect is reduced.

Many women who have undergone the treatment using coffee scrub or caffeine claim that the treatment has resulted in reduction of cellulite. Those opposed to this therapy are of the view that these products cannot penetrate deep into the skin to reach the layer of fat cells. FDA has also not confirmed about the treatment of cellulite using coffee or caffeine. However FDA does suggest that massage treatment using hand held massager does have effect of dislodging fat to reduce cellulite appearance.

In view of this, the best option for treatment of cellulite is regular exercise of the affected parts to strengthen the muscles. This should be accompanied with healthy food with reduced fat intake. This theory has the approval of Mayo clinic experts.

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