Competition In Relationships: Make It Positive

Today we live in competitive world. There is a mad race to achieve everything often via shortcuts. There is competition amongst family members, students, sports persons, political parties and even between countries.   Married couples or those at dating stage are involved in competition as well.

Though competition is positive and results in desire and motivation to excel, but sometimes it also results in undesirable consequences. Couples involved in competition amongst themselves land up having troubled life. This relationship is such that pursuit of one up-man ship, intentional or unintentional, results in strain in romantic relationship.

Sometimes competition results in development of better qualities and accomplishment of desires to achieve. If taken by the other in proper spirit, it will result in better life, but if due to any reason sense of jealousy creeps in, this can cause biggest harm. Ego should be avoided in any case, as this is the root cause of conflict.

Often couples try to live a harmonious life and do not want life to be spent like fighting. For them the golden rule is to be clear and transparent in all matters. The best way is to discuss all matters with an open mind, however minor they may look. Trying to win over the other by argument will result in discord, and compromise should be the rule.

Success or failure in life is an important cause of happy or unhappy relationship. If both are successful then, barring some exceptional reasons, there is sure to exist cordial relationship. This is especially true when both are in different fields. If one is in technical line and the other is in administrative services, and both progress, things will be easy. Often it is found that if a woman is achieving greater heights as compared to man, disruption of relationship starts.

As mentioned above, if there is no professional competition, and one progresses with hard work or study, the other will also be encouraged to put in maximum efforts. Problem arises when both are in same field. Then the progress of one affects the other. The example can be, if both are working in similar industry, one working in advertising line and other is script writer. Acceptance of art work of one and rejection of other will cause strain. Similarly, if one partner has to shift out of city for promotion, and the other has to leave his or her job in order to be together, there will be tension and disturbed relationship.

In spite of all this stated, healthy competition is a must, otherwise relationship will become boring. Discussions on subjects of common interest will help improve relationship. The object should be to understand the other and not to let other person down.

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