Depression During Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy is portrayed as a time when a woman should feel happy. During this period she starts extensive planning of her future, her child and of her family. The thoughts when shared with the husband or some dear ones often results in happiness. It is also a fact that about ten to fifteen percent of all pregnant women suffer from periods of depression. It is an admitted fact that with the start of pregnancy lots of hormonal changes take place in the body of a woman. This hormonal changes lead to effective working of brain resulting in anxiety and depression.

The first trimester of pregnancy is the period when maximum anxiety and depressed feeling is manifested. This is often caused by the state of mind, expectation of changes in life style and often for no known reasons. It is very important to discuss the state of your mind with the doctor, as both physical and mental well being is necessary for proper development of the child.

Though it is difficult to know that one is in a depressed state of mind but if you find that you are unable to properly concentrate on your work, or unable to remember the things you had been doing regularly, you may be on the brink of depression. If you have a feeling that happiness is no more for you, or are excessively agitated and feel like crying for no reason, or there is no desire or excessive desire to eat, and above all there is a feeling of guilt or hopelessness, then you need proper medical advice and counselling. This is a state of mind and with counselling and even with open hearted discussion with those who have passed this stage, and in whom you can confide, you will be able to overcome this problem.

Never try to dismiss these feelings thinking them to be routine and a part of pregnancy. As per the research, depression and anxiety can increase the chances of preterm labour and there are chances that you will be unable to take proper care of yourself and your developing child.

Often additional causes of depression are

  • Existence of history of personal or family depression.
  • Difficult relationship with your husband or in- laws.
  • Medicines taken for fertility treatment.
  • Pregnancy loss or problems faced during earlier pregnancy.
  • Stressful event of life or past abuse.

If you have faced any of these, or like incidents, earlier in life you need to be extra cautious.

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