Empty Mind Is Devil’s Workshop

An empty mind is devil’s workshop. We all know that the best workshop for devil is an empty mind. Most of the people make this workshop. Many people waste their valuable time with an empty mind. This practice will potentially harm their mind and their health. The way they waste the time is very bad, because they even sleep at the same time, which active people participate in different activities.

It is always said that an empty mind is devil’s workshop is because an empty mind will create unwanted thoughts. It will create thoughts, which harms others and us. An empty mind will always make us lazy. Lazy is one of the worst stages, which a man can be. If we became lazy, all others will think that we are useless and idiots and this will be a great drawback in our career and whole life.

We know many ideas to kill the devil in our mind. The best way to prevent the birth of a devil in our mind is to avoid an idle mind. There are many ideas to avoid an empty mind. Some of the ideas to be active are playing games, reading books, cooking and many creative works. Playing some games will give some joy to the heart, reading books could improve your knowledge and will give you some fun. Activities like cooking will improve your skill in it and it is a way to make others happy.

Housewives also have some free time in weekdays. These women can utilize their free time for their hobby or interests  turn into the money. Doing some, creative activities can be considered as the best way to be active because it will improve your knowledge, it will improve your skills, it will increase your brain utilization, it will improve your confidence and in some cases, it will make others happy. Paper craft, other craft, experiments, drawing, painting and literature can be included in the list of the creative activities.

Many studies have proved that one’s empty mind will destroy him. Honestly, an empty mind can make one even a terrorist or a criminal. To avoid idleness you can even try a job or work from home or work online what you like. So be active save yourself.

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