How To Get Rid Of Freckles On Your Face?

Freckles appear on the skin of a person mostly on the face due to formation of clusters of concentrated melanin and are mostly visible on the skin of the people having fair skin. Freckles can be found on the skin of any person without consideration to the genetic background however, the chances of having them are more in case of the persons whose parents have this problem.

The formation of freckles starts when a person is exposed to sunlight. The UV-B radiation present in sunlight increase melanin production and the freckles become darker. Due to this reason, freckles are rare on infants, and commonly found on children who are exposed to the sun while playing in the open.

Freckles will reappear if they have been medically treated and subsequently skin is not protected from the sun, these do fade with age in some cases. It is suggested that those having freckles should avoid overexposure to sunrays and use sunscreen lotions. For clearing the freckles, a number of remedies are available and can be tried.

Lemon juice therapy is a cheap home remedy for treatment of freckles. The juice of lemon is applied on the affected skin and allowed to remain there for about thirty minutes. Then the face is washed using running water. Though the process is slow, it is effective.

Vegetable masks can also be applied. These are available in the market for treatment of this disorder. Chemical peels are also available which help lighten freckles and smoothen the skin. Retinoid creams can also be applied, but you need to avoid exposure to any light once this cream is applied.

Application of bleaching agents is suggested by some people. The disadvantage is that the bleaching agent bleaches both the skin and freckles. The freckles will look lighter but the skin may start looking discolored.

Proper diet will help treatment of freckles. A well-balanced diet should be taken. Food rich in vitamin C should be taken. If need be, vitamin C supplements can be consumed. Vitamin C has affect on the skin and makes it less sensitive to sunlight. Apple and oranges are rich source of vitamin C. Drinking sufficient quantity of water to keep the skin hydrated is a must.

Laser treatment is available to cure skin freckles. For this treatment laser gun is activated and light is concentrated on the affected parts. This helps destroy/remove excess melanin from the cells. The treatment is often harmless, but in case of persons with sensitive skin, redness may appear. This fades in about two hours. This treatment should be done by expert only over a number of sittings.

Best is avoidance. Avoid moving around in direct sunlight. If needed to go out use sunscreen lotion.

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