How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks Naturally?

Stretch marks are a result of scarring of the skin tissue. This scarring can occur due to various reasons like abrupt rise in height, excessive rise in weight (as in pregnancy) etc. There is no special part of the body that is affected by them, they can occur at any place on the skin.

They tend to become a source of a lot of embarrassment in case they appear on the face, hands etc. School children who are at the start of puberty sometimes suffer from stretch marks because of the hormonal changes in them that lead to abrupt height or weight gain. They feel more embarrassed than adults and can suffer from low-esteem.

How to get rid of stretch marks is a question in every ones mind who suffers with it. Simple solutions usually turn out to be more beneficial in their case as compared to dermatological treatment. The only condition is that home remedies should be adhered to with consistency. For example, you can rub the affected areas with different kinds of oils that are readily available like olive oil, baby oil etc.

You apply oil regularly and are sure to get positive results. The reason behind it is that massaging with oil leads to moisturized skin and that provides required elasticity to the skin. Once the skin regains its elasticity, stretch marks tend to disappear on their own. Olive oil contains a compound called oleic acid, which is doubly beneficial as it redevelops the skin in addition to keeping it moisturized.

Similarly Vitamin E oil also holds regenerative properties and helps to get rid of stretch marks. If you are having an Aloevera plant at home, you should take fresh aloe from the plant itself and massage the scar with it. Aloevera has also many medicinal properties and has been proved to be quite beneficial to the skin also. There are herbal creams available in the market that contain various commonly available ingredients in them and are cheap also. Frequent rubbing of these over the stretch marks also does the trick.

Otherwise also you should be in the habit of massaging and exfoliating your skin to remove stretch marks. Some exfoliating creams are really worth trying. You should also include green leafy vegetable and fruits in your diet on a daily basis. These help make the skin better.

Pregnant ladies should take special care of their diet because another ‘being’ shares whatever they eat. So, in principle they need extra supply of nutrients and vitamins. In many cases this lack of nutrients is what causes the stretch marks. Moreover mothers ought to stay healthy because they have the crucial responsibility of another life over their shoulders. Usually after pregnancy women have stretch marks on their lower abdomen and breasts.

You can also take Vitamin E supplements as treatment but always after consulting your doctor. Some people have been seen to suffer from some kind of minor problems after taking the Vitamin supplements unnecessarily. Actually, what happens is that our body gets used to the artificial supply of these compounds and tends to slacken its capacity of extracting these from the diet. Such a situation can be damaging for your body.

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