How To Prevent Miscarriage In Early Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a time of rejoicing. Immediately after confirmation of pregnancy the parents start making plans about the new guest. It is a fact that a new life has taken birth in you and you need to be very careful and do everything possible to ensure safe pregnancy and delivery of a healthy child.

Unfortunately many pregnancies end up in miscarriage- some due to the fault of the mother and some due to natural reasons. It is very essential to take proper care of yourself and that of the foetus from the day you come to know of the pregnancy. The following should be kept in mind:

  • It is essential to visit a doctor or a qualified midwife for preliminary check up and discussion about the do’s and don’ts. If the instructions are properly followed the chances of miscarriage will be least. Miscarriage often happens during the first trimester and this period requires maximum care and caution.
  • It is necessary to ensure that the mother to be is healthy and proper nourishing diet should be given to her. This is necessary for safe pregnancy and delivery of a healthy child. If the mother is in the habit of smoking or drinking, this should be discontinued immediately. Smoking restricts the blood circulation and alcohol increases the rate of heart beat and both can be fatal for pregnancy.
  • Avoid consuming unnecessary medicines. Remember that for the next nine months only medicines prescribed by the attending doctor are to be taken. Some ladies may suggest some herbal products, be very cautious before consuming them. As far as possible consult your doctor. Some herbal extracts may not be safe for pregnancy or for your child.
  • Excessive stress should be avoided. In case of first pregnancy there is stress in the mind of the woman about completion of pregnancy and safe delivery of the healthy child. This should be avoided. In case if there was miscarriage earlier the chances of stress are much more. Stress is killing, think positive and try to be happy to avoid miscarriage. In consultation with your doctor, some breathing exercises may be done to reduce stress.
  • All medical tests and examinations, as suggested by the doctor, should be got done. This way the doctor will be able to diagnose any existing or likely problem. Some women suffer of incompetent cervix. If timely detected remedial action can be taken otherwise this may become a cause of miscarriage.
  • There can be certain other reasons including unhealthy life style, bad food habits, excessive jumping and jerky movements, drug abuse, and suffering from sexually transmitted diseases. Preventive care in this regard is a must to prevent miscarriage.

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