How To Wash Your Hair Properly?

To look beautiful we need glowing skin and beautiful hair. To have beautiful hair we need to use a good quality shampoo. Selection of a shampoo is of utmost importance for smooth hair. Some shampoos which contain lot of chemicals leave our skin itchy and dry, thus causing damage to our hair. Herbal shampoos are mostly safe and these can be used for proper hair care. Shampoos rich in vitamins are the products which can be used for hair care.

Just washing the hair properly by using a shampoo will do the trick. It is essential that after the shampoo is applied in the hair, it should be rubbed with the help of your fingers properly and allowed to remain in the hair for some time. Once the hair is washed using warm water, conditioner should be applied on the hair. After some time rinse the hair with warm water. Do not wash your hair with very hot water as this way you will wash off oil present in hair follicles and scalp. Lack of oil will be damaging.

It is necessary to massage your scalp with the help of your fingers. While doing so you can use some oil. This will help strengthen the hair follicles and provide strength to hair shaft. On the night before washing your hair, apply sufficient quantity of oil in the hair and let it remain overnight. Using some mild shampoo wash off the oil and you will get beautiful shining hair.

After you have shampooed your hair wrap it in a thick towel and let it dry. This will hydrate your scalp skin. Once the hair is almost dry using hair drier set at low heat you can style your hair.

Shampoos rich in vitamins and minerals are available in the market. When you use these shampoos, the hair follicles absorb these vitamins and minerals to provide strength to your hair. Aloe Vera shampoo is an excellent hair care product. Aloe Vera is a natural produce having properties to hydrate your skin and strengthen the roots.

In India as a pure herbal shampoo, women use homemade shampoo made by soaking amla or goose berry and soap nut or reetha in water overnight and boiling rapidly for five minutes in the morning. The water is then squeezed out and strained. This natural homemade liquid is used for washing the hair. It provides natural black color to the hair which does away with the need to use colour or dye on your hair.

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