Importance Of Friendship In Marriage

It is difficult to find good friends but once found they are with you for long. Similarly it is difficult to find a good match, once found he or she is to be with you through thick and thin of your life. Life will be enjoyable if in marriage you can count your spouse as your best friend. If your wife is your best friend, life will be full of love, happiness and you will have a great contentment.

A friend is one with whom you can share each and every event of life. It is easy to discuss even the most secret event or happening of your life or of your family with your close friend. If your spouse is your best friend it will mean an ultimate relationship, and you will have not have to look outside the relationship to discuss any matter to arrive at a fair solution.

From above it will be apparent that foundation of successful marriage is friendship, which enhances trust and happiness. Research has revealed that happy couples are those who have constant dialogue, may be verbal or through any form of communication or body language. This helps assure that you love the other despite there being some problems.

Letting the other have his or her time without questioning is an indication of friendship in marriage. Having no pressures when together, enjoying a game or food or a drink, are indications of friendship in marriage.

Listen to the advice of the other with an open mind and don’t be critical of what the other says. Often friends tend to disagree on matters and discuss them at length to come to a conclusion and successfully so. Similarly discussion between the couples is a friendly gesture.

To be close to the other be open, never try to deceive, be ready to help even in adverse circumstances, let the other develop  trust in you and understand that you will be available in need. To properly arrive at such a conclusion try to put yourself in the other person shoes, and remember that to find a friend in your wife you have to be friend first.

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