Laser Skin Resurfacing Treatment

laser-skin-resurfacingLaser skin resurfacing, also known as lasabrasion, laser peel or laser vaporization. Cosmetic laser skin resurfacing is a method for diminishing the appearance of imperfections on the skin’s surface. It can help rejuvenate the skin and reduce the effects of the sun. In addition, laser skin resurfacing helps to improve the overall skin and may be used to remove blemishes, including acne scars and the appearance of sun damaged skin. Laser skin resurfacing removes blemishes and fine wrinkles by removing the top layer of the skin.

There are two types of lasers most commonly used:

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Laser Resurfacing
Erbium Laser Resurfacing

Who Can Use ‘Laser Skin Resurfacing’?

If you have noticed fine lines or wrinkles around your eyes, mouth or forehead and if you have acne scars, then it is likely you are a good candidate for laser skin resurfacing. The best suitable procedure suits to you, needs  consultation with your cosmetic surgeon who can determine this after fully evaluating your medical history, physical condition and desired outcome.

Both types of laser resurfacing are outpatient procedures using local anesthesia together with oral or intravenous sedatives depending on your surgeon’s evaluation

Short Term ‘Side Effects’:

  • Skin redness
  • Swelling
  • Burning sensations or itching.

Long Term ‘Side Effects’:

  • Scarring increased or decreased pigmentation of the skin, and infection during healing.
  • Other risks in laser resurfacing are more serious, and possibly permanent, including hypo pigmentation, or lightening of the skin. “Somewhere between one to two years after treatment it becomes clear that there is a permanent lightening of the skin color where the resurfacing was done.

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