Natural Ways To Self Induce Labor At Home

After a long wait of forty one weeks when the time of arrival of the baby comes the labour pains should start. After going through labour the baby is born. Sometimes it happens that the due date has passed and the labor pain have not started. In this case you need to discuss with your gynaecologist. If otherwise normal, and the body is ready for labour, she will suggest some medicines to give push to start labour. In addition to medicines there are other natural ways to push the start of labour. Remember not to give push till you have passed the due date.

Pineapple is widely used to induce labour. Pineapple helps to digest proteins in food. Due to its medical properties if pineapple is taken on an empty stomach it can help reduce pain and swelling. To induce labour it is essential to eat fresh pineapple, canned fruit will not help. Besides this papaya and mango can also help.

Evening primrose oil is rich in prostaglandin, this helps to ripen cervix. This oil can be taken orally or applied on cervix.

Acupressure on specific points can help push labour. For acupressure it is necessary to locate the pressure point precisely. There are two points in the body known to induce labour. The first is above the inner ankle of the calf. This is about four inches wide. The second point is between thumb and forefinger. The point is to be rubbed or pressed in circular motion for about a minute at a time, with about two minute gaps.

Sweeping of membrane is another method to induce labour. This is uncomfortable method and must be tried only by a trained doctor or midwife. The method involves stripping of membrane. Finger is inserted in the cervix and water bag is pulled away from the mouth of cervix.

Stimulation of nipples is another method suggested by midwives. Before practicing it is necessary to consult your doctor. By stimulation of nipple a hormone namely oxytocin is released. This hormone has the effect of contraction of uterus. This process needs to be continued for about fifteen minutes and repeated hourly.

Going for a short walk has also been suggested as a method to induce labour. Caution should be taken to walk on plain ground and someone should accompany you. Sex with the partner or orgasm without sex, are other suggested methods to induce labour. Some midwifes also suggest that the woman be given castor oil or some other herbal medicines. The best is to consult the doctor.

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