Premature Graying Hair Causes And Prevention

The appearance of the first gray hair has the psychological effect of making you feel old. Your first instinct is to pluck it. While you can pluck a few grey hair but it is not feasible as more and more hair turn grey. Genes play an important part in the timing of your hair turning grey. At times premature greying of hair is due to certain diseases like vitiligo, thyroid and pituitary problems, so a visit to a doctor is in order to rule these out. However these causes are very rare.

The more common causes are heredity and then you cannot do much to prevent it. Some believe that excessive intake of spices, oily foods and sour foods causes premature greying, while others blame tea, coffee and alcohol. These claims have not been substantiated. However, a severe bout of illness, prolonged anxiety and tension has been known to turn hair grey. Deficiency of nutrients, such as copper, affects the production of melanin, the color pigment, resulting in loss of hair color.

It makes sense to accept your grey hair. It makes you look distinguished and wise beyond your years. The salt and pepper look is in. However, if you would rather spot a head of dark hair you can dye your hair. Permanent and semi permanent hair color is easily available and the choice is unlimited. Choose a color a shade or two lighter than your natural color for best results.

A natural hair dye can be made by mixing together two tea spoons of henna powder, three tea spoon coffee powder, two teaspoons of each basil and mint juice along with one teaspoon of yoghurt. Apply paste on the hair and wash after two hours. Ayurveda lays stress on the regenerative properties of butter made from cow milk and butter milk to which yeast has been added so you can try these.

Some other quick fix remedies are to boil dried gooseberries in coconut oil till it turns black. This oil will prevent hair from turning grey. You could apply a concoction of strong black tea to which a teaspoon of salt has been added to your hair. Leave it for an hour to color your hair and then wash it off.

Eat a protein rich diet for healthy hair which will retain its original color for a long time. Sprouted grains, meat and soya products are rich in protein. Foods rich in iron and minerals like zinc and copper and those containing Vitamin A and B will also help in keeping the color of the hair intact. These foods are bananas, green leafy vegetables, red and yellow fruits and vegetables, nuts, eggs, yoghurt and liver.

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