Side Effects Of Crash Diet Or Quick Weight Loss

Crash diet is the kind of diet that involves consuming very meager quantity of calories which makes it a little different from starvation. It is extremely unsafe for health and also possess surprising propensity to make the body unfit for further weight loss in future. Now, this means that if you are already on a crash diet in a bid to lose your extra flab then, stop at once, for it could ruin your system completely making it impossible for you to get back in shape ever again.

Apparently, crash diet or starvation diet is no longer in fashion as it leads to many side effects. People hardly have faith in it leaving it to be practiced by just handfuls, who know nuts about this little devil. College and school girls who wish to grow thin to impress their boyfriends often opt for it without really knowing how damaging its aftereffects are.

The major reason behind shunning this style of starvation or rapid weight loss, is obviously losing your body’s nutritional value and strength in the bargain. It is a fact that crash diets are the worst for your health and wellbeing due to which many have stopped entertaining this fad. There is no sense in simply eating less without even analyzing whatever it is that you must eat or avoid because often it tends to demoralize the body to such an extent that it never becomes healthy again.

Losing weight with the help of crash dieting leads to kidney failure, anorexia and many other ailments, which could take you straight to your grave. It is also true that the weight or calories that you burn by this method often comes back with a jolt, never to go again! This means that the weight that you lose is gained back in such a devastating manner that it refuses to leave the four walls of your body again.

Your body cries for nutrients that the crash diets rob it off. There is no nutrient intake when you check the calories that you consume on a daily basis. So relax and stop crash dieting at once. Eat right and drink a lot of water to flush out all the toxins from your system. The right way to lose weight is by consuming the required quantity of food and exercising along with it.

Urge for junk food when you restrict yourself too much also causes your body to gain all the weight back within no time at all. It is a fact that when you stop yourself from eating at the right time and interval, your body tends to crave for anything and everything it sees causing you to eat whatever it easily available at that point of time. So, chalk out a proper regime and avoid crash dieting for it is undoubtedly out of fashion now.

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