Symptoms Of Fallopian Tube Infection

There are two tubes situated on both sides of the ovaries called the fallopian tubes and they connect the ovaries with the uterus. It is through theses tubes that the mature egg passes when it travels from the ovaries to the uterus. As the sperm travels from cervix to uterus, it comes in contact with a mature egg and fertilizes it. This is the beginning of pregnancy. Subsequently, the fertilized egg sticks to the wall of uterus and starts growing to become a full fledged baby and is born after nine months.

Like any other part of the body, fallopian tubes too get infected. There can be a number of reasons for development of infection in the fallopian tubes. The infection is medically known as salpingitis and is a common cause of infertility in women. Salpingitis is also called pelvic inflammatory disease. As a result of infection the fallopian tube becomes inflamed. This swelling result in discharge of a fluid causing the walls of this very thin tube to stick together and it may get filled with pus.

In milder cases the treatment is easy but in severe cases of infection the fallopian tubes may get ruptured, resulting in excessive bleeding. This may require immediate surgical repair. Even if some mild symptoms of infection of fallopian tube are noticed, they require immediate medical attention.

In case the infection is mild you may not feel any pain. However, in case of severe infection, the patient may suffer from low abdominal pain with or without fever. The situation becomes more noticeable after menstrual period. Other symptoms of infection are vaginal discharge of abnormal color with odour of yeast, pain during sexual intercourse and ovulation, spotting between the periods, associated with headache nausea and vomiting and pain in lower back area.

The infections generally start from the vagina and moves upwards. If one tube is infected the other is bound to get infected. Formation of bacteria in the vaginal area is the primary reason. It is necessary to keep this area clean and dry. The underclothes and napkins should be changed at regular intervals. Unclean object should not be inserted in vagina. Another reason for infection can be contracting sexually transmitted diseases. In case of blockage the chances of ectopic pregnancy increase and this may result in rupture of the tube. If not timely controlled, infection from fallopian tube may spread to ovaries and uterus. This infection can lead to infertility in some cases.

In mild cases, as the infection is bacterial, antibiotics are prescribed by the doctors. Majority of the cases get cured with antibiotics. Mucus swab and blood test is done to ascertain nature and severity of infection. In extreme cases, the patient may have to undergo surgery to remove the infected part.

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