What Is Cellulite And Its Causes?

“What is cellulite” is a very common question among women. Cellulite means the appearance of cottage cheese like skin mainly in the thighs, buttocks and abdomen. Mostly women suffer from this condition as oestrogen, a hormone found in women, is said to break down collagen, the fiber which keeps the skin firm. It is erroneously thought to be found only in obese women. Those who do not exercise or have a faulty life style, and have aging skin are more liable to get cellulite. It affects ninety percent of all women.

“What Causes Cellulite” is the next question. Some women get cellulite in spite of eating a well balanced diet and doing regular exercise. They may suffer from a mild form as compared to women who are sedentary and do not eat a well balanced diet. This unhealthy life style becomes responsible for poor blood circulation and water retention and makes the effect of cellulite much worse.

Women undergo many hormonal changes during their life time. It begins when they step into puberty and continues during menstruation, pregnancy and menopause. Birth control pills are also hormonal in nature and leave their mark. Hormones regulate many processes in the body. As a result of hormonal upheaval lymphatic drainage, fat and rate of blood flow are affected. Also, connective tissue is not able to repair itself. Consequently cellulite is formed and the skin becomes uneven.

With time the fat layers become thinner and the outer skin becomes less supple. The skin becomes bumpy and dimpled-the characteristics of cellulite. This can be formed anywhere in the body.

Liposuction is a surgical treatment for cellulite. As the name suggests excess fat is removed by suction. Only a licensed and experienced surgeon should be consulted as any surgery carries with it an element of risk. Those suffering from heart problems, high blood pressure and diabetes should not undergo this procedure.

They should try non surgical options such as pills, creams and herbal teas available at health stores. A balanced diet with very little salt should be taken. Spicy food and any chemical additives should be avoided. In addition yoga, tai chi and walks should be undertaken to improve circulation. With time and these precautions the cellulite will become less.

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