What Is Skin Exfoliation?

Different skin care products have different effect on the skin. Some products just cover the surface and some penetrate deep in the skin to give it the desired effect. The skin care products used by any person depend upon the type of skin you have, and its condition. Those with acne will have to treat the skin in a different way as compared to those with normal skin.

The weather conditions and the exposure to dust and pollutants do affect the skin care routine. In case of exposure to sunlight you need to ap ply sunscreen lotion. In case of exposure to extreme cold weather you may need to apply lot of moisturiser.

Skin care routine involves four basic steps. These are cleansing, exfoliation, moisturising and sunscreen cover. People often remember to follow these routines except for exfoliation a very important step in skin care. Human skin is made up of innumerable number of cells. By natural process the upper layer is covered with dead cells. This is to provide protection to the other inner layers of the skin. By the process of exfoliation we just remove the dead cell layer from the top to make place for the new cells. Many skin care products available in the market cannot penetrate the layer of dead cells and applying them is just wasting your money.

When one exfoliates the skin these products penetrate deep into the skin to provide natural healing and health. In case the upper layer is covered with dead cells it looks dull and by exfoliation we add life to the skin and help the skin care products to do its work. Due to this reason it is often said that the skin of men looks more youthful as compared to the women as they exfoliate the skin while shaving.

It is not necessary to exfoliate the skin on daily basis. This can be done at a gap of two to three days. Many exfoliating agents are available in the market. Selection of the right type suitable to you is important. For exfoliation micro-dermabrasion kits, chemical peels and retinoids are available in the market. In addition natural exfoliating mixtures can be prepared from the things available in the kitchen. For exfoliation it is necessary to gently rub fine scrub with tiny grains. Scrub containing bigger grains though available cheap may tear off your skin causing more harm than benefit. Micro-dermabrasion kits should also be properly selected and used as per the instructions on packaging.

Even for oily skin daily exfoliation may not be of great help as with the arrival of new cells the oil content on the face may increase further. Natural exfoliants may be of great help in oily skin.

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