Breast Care During Pregnancy

During pregnancy a large number of hormonal changes take place in the body of a woman. As the foetus begins to grow, the body, by its natural process, starts making adjustments to be ready for the delivery of the child.

It is a fact that with pregnancy the milk ducts start to develop in the breasts of the mother to be. Consequently there is marked increase in the size of the breasts. In normal cases the breast weight goes up by about fifty percent. There is also a marked change in the size and shape of nipples and the area around the nipples called areola becomes darker. When the pregnancy is about to complete you can notice certain oil producing glands clearly. These produce oil to protect and provide lubrication to the nipples of the breastfeeding mother.

Often women do not take proper care of the breast and nipples. It is essential that, starting with early pregnancy, proper care should be taken of the breasts, so that you are able to properly feed your child after birth and the breasts do not get deformed and retain shape. To take proper breast care you need to keep in mind the following:

Massage of the breasts is the most important breast care step as it is necessary to increase blood circulation in the breast muscles. For massage you may use pure coconut oil.

Clean your breasts by rubbing them with a towel dipped in warm water. Applying some oil on your fingers using both hands, gently massage the breasts first in the clockwise direction and then in the anti clockwise direction. Thereafter, starting from the back side, massage towards the nipples. Ensure that sufficient oil is applied on the breasts. Then clean your nipples using a towel and apply some oil on them. After some time take normal bath and clean using some mild soap. This will ensure to restore the normal shape of breasts after you stop breast feeding your child and they will remain firm. Nipples must also be cleaned properly to avoid any itchiness, rash or pain.

Doctors do recommend some exercise during pregnancy. This routine is necessary to be followed for safer and easier delivery. Yogic exercises are also recommended during pregnancy, provided you can get a trained yoga teacher. Your yoga teacher can also suggest exercises to firm up the breast region and pectoral muscles. This stimulates production of milk.

The next most important thing is selection of your bra. As the breast size increases considerably, you need a bra which will support your breasts. The bra should be made of cotton so that it can absorb any discharge from nipples. It should not be tight and should not hinder development of glands in the breasts. In case it is loose, your breasts will lose shape and you will give a feeling of being sick.

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