Collagen Injections For Skin Wrinkles

Collagen is a protein necessary for connective tissues. This protein constitutes about thirty percent of the entire body protein content. This is the main component of bones, ligaments and human skin. This protein provides strength and elasticity to our skin. As we age, the collagen content starts to decrease, leading to formation of wrinkles and fine lines. At this point collagen injections are used to make the skin smooth, reduce wrinkles and give a youthful look to a person.  This process does not take much time to perform, being a non surgical process it acts fast especially on the facial area and natural collagen is replaced for better looks.

Remember that this process of injecting collagen should be done by and experienced and trained medical professional. The type of injection, its benefits and drawbacks should be discussed thoroughly. Two types of collagen injections are normally used. These are:

Bovine collagen extracted from cow skin. This is often compatible with the human skin and is readily accepted by our body. This is injected under the skin and has immediate impact. In some cases there is a possibility of allergic reaction, as such test should be got done in this regard.

Human collagen is made using collagen received from human donors. This is almost safe in all cases and does not require allergic test.

Those in the age group of 40 to 60 are the people best suited for this therapy. At this age you develop wrinkles and frown lines. This also helps those who want a face lift or fuller lips. Before going in for collagen injections the patient should be in good health physically and emotionally. There should be no history of allergic reaction to cow products. Never go in for this when pregnant.

Before going in for injections, the doctor should identify the areas and these should be properly disinfected. The injecting process normally takes about thirty minutes. Collagen is injected below the surface of the skin at various points at the edges of the site selected for treatment. In case of over filling, the area may get swollen for some time. No anaesthesia is required as not much pain is associated with this process.

Except for recovery from swelling and bruises, no other recovery is required for the affected areas. Redness may take about a day to become normal. If you need to go out after this treatment sunscreen is necessary.

The drawback is that this is not a permanent procedure. With time the collagen injected under your skin dissolves and you may require reinjection after about six months. This is a costly process and each sitting may cost you about $ 400. Ensure to eat protein rich food even after injecting process.

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