How To Get Rid Of Acne or Pimples?

causes-of-acne-pimplesThere are lots of confusions on treatment of acne. Knowing all facts about it makes it easier to judge a suitable remedy for and have a clear beautiful skin free of acne.

Causes Of Acne or Pimples

Acne or pimples are just a blocked pore. When the skin sheds the dead cells, not all flake away. Some remain rooted to the skin and get mixed up with skin’s oil. This blocks the pores and the excess oil and bacteria on the surface get trapped in these pores. This causes the skin to swell. Thus acne bumps and blemishes come on the face.

Prevention and Cure

Having learnt what about, the most obvious thing to do is prevent the clogging of the pores on the skin to avoid acne. This should be done by exfoliating the dead skin cells. To exfoliate, the skin should be washed frequently. It’s better to use oil free cleanser that contains salicylic acid in the morning to remove the cells clogging the pores. Those who already suffering from acne should use products that contain benzoyl-peroxide at night which would be instrumental in killing the bacterial trapped in the pores.

Treatment Of Acne or Pimples

There is no need to be ashamed of acne. It does not mean lack of hygiene or dirt accumulation on the face. It requires salicylic acid to soothe the acne and exfoliate the dead cells. Just scrubbing on the acne with harsh exfoliant or wash cloth will only irritate the acne and aggravate it.

Acne can be treated at home with over the counter treatment creams and lotions and doesn’t require a visit to dermatologist at initial stage. There are many products available in the market for acne treatment. Some work on certain types of skin. It’s worth it trying out different products. A product should be used at least for 2 weeks as directed to decide whether it effective or not. If it’s not effective then its worth trying another one. If there is no improvement seen with these products then a visit to the dermatologist is necessary. The skin doctor would assess the nature of skin and prescribe medicated creams which may be more powerful and suit the skin better.

Sometimes dermatologists prescribe high end option like cleansers and creams that kill surface bacteria for months. But these treatments are very expensive range up to $1000.

Oily skin is more susceptible to acne. A dermatologist could be consulted for oil control medication and to strength the skin. Oily skin is usually very obvious as it has large pores.

Home Remedy for Acne: Those who cannot afford dermatologist could try home remedy. A mud mask made of ingredients such sulfur could be used to soothe the inflamed and broken out skin.

Women’s acne problems aggravate due to monthly hormonal surges. The changes in hormonal level will cause excess oil production. But it’s necessary to maintain the skin care routine throughout the month immaterial of presence or absence of acne. Abandoning the routine when the skin looks good and resuming when goes bad will not help at all.

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