Myths About Cellulite

myths-about-celluliteCellulite is very common in women. More than 80% of women are affected by cellulite. Its fat deposits under the skin that gives cottage cheese like appearance in certain areas of the body. It happens when the tissue layers between the cells become fibrous and push up the fat to the skin. There are lot of misconceptions regarding the causes and effects of cellulite. Here is a list of popular myths and facts related to this condition

Myth: Only those overweight are affected by Cellulite
Fact: Although its common in overweight people but it can occur in slim ones too. Factors leading to cellulite are gender, age, toxins built up in the body, poor circulation and firmness of the skin.

Myth: Only women are susceptible to cellulite
Fact: Yes, women are the ones mainly affect but it doesn’t spare men. It’s obvious in women because of the shape and storage of the fat cells in them.  As men possess more muscle tone than women they can conceal the cellulite better. It’s usually forms in abdomen, buttocks, breasts and thighs in females and in upper body areas like neck and abdomen in men.

Myth: Consumption of beverages like soda, sparkling water cause cellulite
Fact: Components like sodium and carbonation found in sodas were thought to be the root cause for cellulite. But researches have proved that they are not related. In fact sparkling water has no negative effect on the body. Drinking lots of water helps in flushing the toxins out of the body and there by reduce the chances of appearance of cellulite. It’s recommended to drink at least eight glasses of water everyday to stay healthy.

Myth: Only older women face the risk of cellulite.
Fact: Its not age specific at all. It can occur in young and old. With age it’s more visible as the skin begins to loose its firmness with age.

Myth: Liposuction is the best method to get rid of cellulite permanently
Fact: Liposuction is not the best and permanent cure for cellulite. It only helps to remove the fatty tissue and does not guarantee the non-recurrence of cellulite. In some cases, it improves the appearance of cellulite while in others it worsens it.

There are these myths and many more centered on cellulite. Knowing the causes of cellulite, it appears that there is no means of getting rid of it completely. But with active and healthy lifestyle, the appearance can be changed. This would mean eating healthy food, low fat diet, exercise regularly particularly those areas in the like hood of getting affected by cellulite, also improving muscle tone.

If none of these work, there is no need to panic. It’s not uncommon to have cellulite and it can affect the young, the old, thin and plump. It’s better to accept it and learn to live with it happily.

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