How To Get Rid Of Cellulite?


Cellulite is funny looking layer of fat which is located underneath the skin is generally found in thighs and buttocks. Sometimes it’s seen in arms, stomach, back, angles and hip too. It’s quite bumpy and resembles a cottage cheese.
Cellulite is seen more in females than in males as the men’s fat cells are very deep under the skin. It can affect women who are plumpy or skinny. It related to the collagen breaking down due to the variation in estrogen. This would push the fat cells to the topmost layer of the skin. The other reason for cellulite is building up of toxins in woman’s body.


The thumb and forefinger could be place and pressed on the suspected area of the skin. If it were normal fat, the area would be smooth but cellulite would appear bumpy like cottage cheese.

Treatment and Cure

There is no home remedy and requires surgery. Cellulite could be removed by a surgical procedure called liposuction which would suck the fat out. Although the surgery would remove the cellulite but it doesn’t guarantee non recurrence of it. Massaging exercises and over the counter creams could be used to improve the appearance of the affected area although they may not be removed totally.

Liposuction is used to remove cellulite from almost all parts of the body i.e. face, chin, neck, breast, thigh lipo, etc.

Preventing Cellulite

The best way for preventing cellulite formation is by eating healthy foods, exercising and detoxification of the body. Healthy foods includes limited fat intake, lots of fruits, vegetables, lean red meat, poultry and fish. Starchy food intake should be limited and processed and prepackaged foods should be avoided. Salt, tea and coffee consumption should be reduced. This regime should be maintained throughout the life time. Food should contain lot of multi vitamins and minerals too.

Healthy eating habits also include drinking plenty of water every day. Water flushes out the harmful toxins out to the system. Those with irregular bowel movement should include lots of fiber in the daily diet. Laxative which help to clear bowels of waste and toxins could be bought as over the counter medicine too.

As toxins are major enemy of cellulite smoking and alcohol should be avoided. These put unwanted toxins in the body.

Exercising regularly would revive the metabolic activities and firm up the muscles too.

Lastly, if none of these help with cellulite, leading normal life without bothering much about it is the best solution, coz it is not harmful for the health and it does not affect normal daily life.

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