What Are The Signs Of True Love ?

True love is hard to find. It involves lot of understanding and sacrifice on part of both the parties who love each other. Wedding is a solemn occasion or happening in life which unites two souls who decide to live together for life, and help or stand by the other through all phases of life. Often those dating are unable to properly assess the other person properly. One of the reasons is the state of mind through which they are passing, and each tries to display the best qualities. Also lust leads to misjudgement.

The extent to which he or she is willing to sacrifice for love and happiness in a relationship is the barometer of love. A simple test of true love can be sacrifice of job if the other decides to move out of the place for better future. In practice it is not necessary to blindly follow, but true love will help to find a way out.

Being impressed by physical appearance alone does not augur well and does not reflect true love between persons. True love is much deeper than mere flattery and lust. Lust is foremost at a certain age. True love is often found in older people of 70-80 years of age as they have lived a long part of life together and they share happiness and grief together. Getting attracted with flattery will let one down one day or the other and you will end up with broken promises and relationship.

Another understanding of true love can be ability to persuade and effect on relationship when the other says no to a demand. What will be the response if one says no when pressed hard to do something with which you are not comfortable? If under this state you are able to say no and the other has patience to accept it with cool mind, then it is true love. Like, after long period of dating one is pressing for marriage and the other wants more time to become established in life, true love will easily make them arrive at a compromise. Also not complaining to the other because of his long absence due to work is a case of true love. Similarly in true love there is a general desire to fulfil the genuine needs of the other within possible means.

True love is a sacrifice by both the partners. It involves give and take, understanding, patience and willingness to keep the other happy by fulfilling the reasonable demands and desires. Before going in for marriage with a person with whom you may be living for long time, may be 40-50 years or so, it is essential to make proper assessment so that you can face the ups and downs of life together cheerfully and with companionship.

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