What Is Ectopic Pregnancy And Its Signs?

When a woman gets pregnant, she dreams of a healthy smiling baby. There may be many pitfalls in the way, one of them being ectopic pregnancy. Although it occurs in only about one percent of all pregnancies, one must be aware of the symptoms and seek immediate medical aid. Sometimes the woman is not even aware that she is pregnant as in an ectopic pregnancy periods do not stop.

A pregnancy is called ectopic when a fertilised egg begins to develop elsewhere instead of the uterus. When the ovary releases a mature egg, it travels through the fallopian tubes and on to the uterus. Here it is fertilized by a sperm. The fertilized egg attaches itself to the wall of the uterus and starts growing there.

For reasons yet not clear, sometimes the egg gets fertilized before it reaches the uterus. It starts developing either in the fallopian tube, or the ovary, or some other internal organ. There is neither space nor the necessary environment for it to develop there. Proper nourishment also is not available so the foetus cannot develop properly.

Signs and symptoms such as abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding then follow. Dizziness, fainting and nausea may also occur. Due to lack of space, the tube where the foetus starts growing may burst. Blood starts collecting in the abdominal region below the diaphragm. This causes shoulder pain. These symptoms usually occur around the sixth week. It is then that the woman goes to a doctor.

Treatment: After early signs of ectopic pregnancy, the doctor conducts a blood test, ultrasound and pelvic examination. At times gynecologist will want to confirm the ectopic pregnancy with a laparoscopy. A small opening is made in the abdomen and a thin tube containing a telescope is inserted through it. The doctor can then look through it at the fallopian tube.

When an ectopic pregnancy is detected, the doctor may try to dissolve it by medicines like methotrexate etc. If that does not work then surgical removal of the foetus is the only option. It cannot be allowed to develop as the life of the mother is endangered if a tube bursts. In such a case heavy bleeding occurs and emergency surgery to stop the bleeding will have to be done.

If possible, the doctor will try to repair the tube, otherwise it will have to be removed. It is therefore important to know and notice the signs of ectopic pregnancy early and get treatment to ensure future fertility.

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