Daily Routine For Healthy Skin

The skin covers each and every part of our body forming a protective layer over our body organs. It forms a barrier for dust, pollution and germs. It also serves to warm or cool our body in various ways, so it undergoes a lot of wear and tear. As time passes the effects of this begin to show tell-tale signs and the skin ages. This process can be slowed down if you begin to look after your skin early in life.

Caring for the skin cannot be occasional and sporadic. It has to be done daily. It is a fairly quick and simple process. If you neglect your skin, at first it will not seem to matter much, but after a couple of years you will begin to notice blemishes and wrinkles. The road to recovery then will be very long. Here is what you should do daily:

  • Keep your face clean and well moisturised. Remove all traces of makeup before you go to bed. Use only good quality cosmetics. Don’t touch your face often as you will carry germs to it which will cause acne and other skin problems. Use soap free face wash to wash your face. Pat dry and do not rub hard with a towel.
  • Once a week use a good quality natural scrub like oat meal, walnut or gram flour to scrub your face. This will remove dead cells and newer cells will come to the surface giving your face a natural glow.
  • Water constitutes a large part of your skin. In order to maintain this balance you should drink water throughout the day. The total consumption should be six to seven glasses per day. Other beverages like tea and coffee do not qualify to be counted as they are diuretics. Water is needed to dissolve and flush out toxins and also to keep the skin elastic.
  • Eat a balanced diet containing proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins so that your skin gets the nutrients it needs to repair itself.
  • Get at least seven hours of sleep daily. You must have noticed dark circles under your eyes when you did not get sufficient sleep for a couple of days. Skin tends to look dull and lifeless when not allowed to recuperate.
  • Abstain from smoking and drinking. Both nicotine and alcohol are toxic for your skin as they dry it out resulting in the formation of wrinkles and skin patches.

Sunlight is a major factor causing skin aging. Use a good quality sun screen with an SPF of thirty to protect yourself from UV rays even on cloudy days. Try to remain indoors between ten AM to four PM. Wear long sleeved clothes when you go out in summer, and reapply sunscreen after heavy sweating.

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